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Definitive report on our first scouting into the new section of Ravne Labyrinth in December 2010
TAG: Bosnian pyramids, Visoko civilzation, archaeology, tunnel Ravne, SBRG, SB Research Group
Abstract - Many scientists know that famous geologists and archeologists doubted the artificial origin of very ancient structures in Visoko Valley and even the presence of an ancient civilization in these areas, particularly with an advanced level of technology. Yet, as excavations proceed, a very ancient, increasingly complex and sophisticated underground maze is emerging. Therefore, after telephone news coming from the Ravne tunnels, we rapidly organized a new joint scientific expedition of the University of Trieste and Politecnico of Milan in collaboration with the Foundation which is managing the excavations. What we discovered this time is even more amazing than previous expeditions so we decided to publish it immediately. But it’s just the beginning. Paolo Debertolis, Sara Acconci, Lucia Krasovec Lucas, Valeria Hocza - 12 December 2010
Fig. 1 - Scouting the new section of Ravne's Labyrinth
The so-called Ravne tunnels are situated three kilometres from the Sun Pyramid/Visoćica hill, at the basis of which today’s city of Visoko was founded. It was the former capital of the ancient Reign of Bosnia. We have always considered it a structure – and a structure it is, not only tunnels carved into rocks – like conditioning fans to let clean, regenerated, fresh air into the underground structure West of the Sun Pyramid.
The structure is entirely dug in conglomerate and covered by almost 20 metres of earth, its patterns like spirals inside a modern device to regenerate air, articulated in complex ups and downs and created in order to provide a continuous air flow encompassing inside the structure itself.
Fig. 2 - We studied the rooms built around monolyths for a long time
We know that at a certain moment something must have happened and the civilization who built Ravne’s tunnels or maybe a civilization that came later and was using them, decided to seal the tunnels themselves with earth for a remarkable length, presumably to defend themselves from a danger from outside or to seal up a hazard inside.
In the first case i.e. the danger from outside, this population acted more or less as we would do if a tornado strikes. We would definitely block our homes’ shutters with floorboards and nails to avoid wind and water to penetrate the house thus lifting the deck and destroying the whole building.
Fig. 3 - A tunnel that is still sealed with the earth. The dry-stone wall at its end has been removed
In the latter case, i.e. the inside danger – and this our hypothesis – something got out of hand or was the result of a war, therefore the earth used to seal the tunnel avoided outside contamination.
Fig. 4 - Two tunnels have been opened and are divided into a "Y" shape.
This is how the builders of the Ravne maze acted, as they must have thought that, once the danger was gone, the earth used to seal the tunnels could be easily removed, thus restoring their structure’s consistency without seriously compromising its elaborate functionality.
Yet something unexpected occurred and consistency was never restored. The workers of the Bosnian Foundation of the Sun Pyramid - which has been responsible for the excavations ever since the beginning of the discoveries in the Visoko Valley – took three years to clear this structure only partially by the earth that has been placed thousands of years ago.
Actually 350 metres from the tunnels’main entrances (there are secondary ones as well) just recently we reached a portion that is no longer sealed with earth (December 2010); it had to happen sometimes as this barrier could not fill the structure along its whole length and we had to reach a clear portion.
As I said before, the time finally came and the last barrier fell all of a sudden.
Fig. 5 - The chief worker and discoverer, Amir Suša, is sitting astride the barrier that just fell and that opened the clear section.
Therefore these new sections of the tunnel seemed almost completely clear except for small collapses because of the lack of earth to support the vaults.
Fig. 6 - This is what you saw if you peeked through the last barrier: the entrance to an unknown world
Fig. 7 - Squatting at the entrance of the tunnel’s last section you can see the gallery, 120 cm low, with very clear water at the bottom.
Therefore, strangely enough, sealed sections - once cleared - were better preserved than free sections, whereas unsealed sections in certain areas had piles of earth.
This is the interpretation agreed upon until now. However we think that earth piles did not come from the vaults - which looked undamaged - yet they seemed to have been thrown there on purpose in a first attempt to seal the tunnels. It was an unsuccessful attempt as these piles did not reach the vault. Such a work turned out well towards the exit with a total sealing of the tunnels’ lumen.
Yet so far the real end of these last sections has not yet been found and the huge length seems to forecast just as much surface to be explored, in search of the remains of Visoko’s Civilization.
Fig. 8 - If you go further you can find the first “Y”-shaped crossroads.
From an archaeological point of view this discovery is extremely important because we can analyse the original structures of the tunnels.
After a few brief explorative incursions in the newly discovered sections, we decided to carry out a deeper and more serious analysis of the ancient structure of the galleries we just discovered.
Therefore this paper is the preliminary journal of such research that really enthralled us and also implied a certain amount of danger. Yet, walking on the grounds that none had stepped upon in thousands of years evoked the forbidden fascination of opening and entering Pandora’s box.
Yes, opening Pandora’s box, and this sentences summarizes our experience at best. Nobody knows what could come out of the box given to Pandora by Jupiter. Was it for us like the first time Pandora opposed Jupiter’s orders and opened the Box, thus letting all evils of mankind out, or the second time when Hope came out of it?
So far we have not been able to understand.
The multidisciplinary scientific team qualified for this study was made up of five individuals namely Amir Suša, chief worker, director of the excavations, Sara Acconci, archaeologist, coordinator and responsible for the excavations on behalf of the Bosnian Foundation of the Sun Pyramid, Paolo Debertolis, medical anthropologist (University of Trieste), Valeria Hocza, scientific assistant (University of Trieste), Lucia Krasovec Lucas (Politechnic of Milan), architect.
Fig. 9 - Part of the scientific team outside the entrance of Ravne’s maze. From left: Debertolis, Hocza, Acconci
According to Krasovec Lucas’ studies, the tunnel’s structure and shape, recall A. Gaudì’s evocative architecture, with particular reference to the Balò and Milà Houses in Barcelona.
The structure’s architecture in some way also recalls Feng Shui theories, i.e. literally wind and water, owing to a certain use of building materials, the monument stones’ positioning and the direction of the tunnels.
Ravne tunnels discovered so far have been built by using parabolid arches and a mixture of particular "concrete" instead of stones or bricks. They can hardly be considered a "natural formation" also because tunnels have been built in consistant series thus clearly forming an underground grid.
Fig. 10 - Krasovec Lucas (centre) during the analysis of the structure and the mapping of Ravne’s tunnels.
This grid, in the pattern hypothized from excavation results, seems to have a circular direction and to be built in consistant series, in which communication among tunnels is never broken, almost suggesting a hive or lung alveoli. In this sense, one spontaneously thinks of Hartmann’s grid in which dry stone walls built on crossroads seem like the Knots of the elecromagnetic grid on the crossings of Hartmann’s grid.
This topic will be discussed further in another scientific paper written by Krasovec Lucas, who is making a structural map of Ravne’s tunnels.
Fig. 11 - On the lower right, a draft of the new map prepared by Krasovec Lucas is summarized by the drawing of the tunnels’ alveolar structure. The latter must overlap open portions, thus providing a remarkable key to the reading.
The newly opened section is the access to the whole alveolar system and we decided to start exploring it.
It must be highlighted that the new section has a very low vault and standing is not possible; it is filled with water with a depth ranging from 10-20 cm to 50 cm. One must crawl or walk with bent knees for almost the whole path.
The presence of water did not look intentional, but it seemed to have been caused by a lack of drainage owing to earth clogging up the bottom of the tunnel.
Our intention for the imminent future is to remove the water, in order to go inside new tunnels with all the archaeological instruments necessary to make reliefs of the areas. A preliminary survey (important to obtain a first map of the new tunnels) will be done by Dr. Acconci, with the fundamental contribute of speleologists.
But this time we split into two groups. A support group made up by Hocza and Krasovec Lucas and an exploration and photographic documentation team, namely Susa, Acconci and Debertolis.
Fig. 12 - Suša is preparing for another exploration in the narrow space.
Fig. 13 - Debertolis in the foreground, measured radioactivity before entering. It was normal. In the back the archaeologist Acconci.
Fig. 14 - The support group: in the foreground Hocza, behind Krasovec Lucas.
The exploration group wore pedal pusher boots who turned out to be insufficient, helmets with lamp, portable lamps and waterproof cameras.
A few days earlier some scuba divers had analyzed part of the path in order to make sure that there were no wells. However they did not produce documentation or carry out scientific analyses. Ours was the first scientific analysis which attempted at unveiling part of the secrets.
It must be said that the whole path is filled with water. There are never dry parts unless in small portions, made of filling earth protruding at the end of the gallery. These areas are a relief as they enable some rest in a dry area. Overcoming them is complicated as they require crawling 60 cm below the vault. This suggested that the most suitable equipment is the wet suit.
Fig. 15 - Going further in the tunnel led to very claustrophobic feelings.
From the tunnels opening one must crawl on in order to go past a section with a very low vault, i.e. approximately 120 cm with 20 cm of water and in the end this was the most comfortable position – in a manner of speaking – to go on. Walking with bent knees, almost sitting on one’s heels, is a good position not to get wet but it is extremely tiring after a few dozen metres.
At the entrance of the tunnel, on the right, there was a well structured retainment wall marked by the scuba divers to find their way out. This upset our archaeologist very much as it contaminated the environment that had been closed for thousands of years (besides an empty cigarette pack left in the water a little further on). Yet they can almost be excused since the tunnel is in almost total darkness and they needed an exit mark.
Fig. 16 - The retaining wall is cemented this time and marked at the center by the scuba divers.
Further on, the tunnel divides into an "Y" shape and the right branch splits into another "Y"-shaped tunnel, according to the already mentioned hive logic.
Fig. 17 - The left branch was more claustrophobic.
The left branch (the tunnel that follows the south-east direction) led to a dead end after fifty meters appoximately (crawling), the right branch (the one that follows the south-west direction) led to another tunnel that looked clear, yet we were not able to explore it totally owing to its length and deeper water. However at a certain point this tunnel had walls with very tidy.
Fig. 18 - The right branch was better structured with large support walls to the vaults.
After having banged the helmet into the vault, we realized that the concrete here was more fragile than that in the portions sealed with earth. A slight banging into the ceiling caused small collapses.
In the portions with well lined-up walls, the impression was that they were still secondary tunnels, yet this time with no limitation whatsoever.
We observed some interesting phenomena.
We were particularly impressed by the presence of strange, whitish or white-blueish, very concentrated fogs that materialized every once in a while in the tunnel and then suddenly and quickly disappeared or rapidly moved until they went away, probably owing to equally rapid air flows; even though this interpretation seems controversial because they also moved in the opposte direction, often changing their path.
Fig. 19 - An SBI like a vortex which seemed to be observing us inside the left tunnel.
However, if it were gas trapped in the gallery it would have been dispersed when we went through, whereas it remained concentrated and moved around us.
Therefore such phenomenon still remains inexplicable.
Fig. 20 - Again the same SBI that stood still for about a minute.
This made picture taking almost impossibile as flash lightnings were screened and prevented from shooting a clear image as they stood between us and the subject of our picture.
SBI’s were particularly clear with electronic flash lightning. We are almost surrounded by them here.
These types of fogs spread modestly also in the rest of the already opened tunnels and created funny materialization and dematerialization phenomena that alarmed even the support group who could not believe their own eyes. These phenomena did not take place in the other sections of the tunnel before opening the new section.
Fig. 21 - An SBI rotating around the support group.
Looking at a video shot by our support group during one of these peculiar phenomena could be useful (here: YouTube ).
Yet, you know, an unknown phenomenon is not always alarming. My concern, as a physician, was that they might be toxic fogs originating from the fermentation of organic products, but it did not seem to be their origin. Water on the bottom of the tunnel looked clear and never muddy, except after our passage that moved the sand from the bottom.
The environment had zero entropy and the water had the same temperature as air and the surrounding environment. This system’s temperature was around 12-14° C.
Fig. 22 - An SBI on the bottom of an old section of the tunnel.
We were able to take a picture of one of them which stood still for almost a minute, however, at least apparently, we have not detected danger within them. With a typically Balkan sense of humour we decided to call them "SBI" (Šau-Bau Identity).
Another curious note is the presence of deep carvings inside a sand layer, part of the wall of the left tunnel.
As you can see in the enclosed images, apparently holes have been carved with a three-thong metal tool on the sandy layer of a wall of the right tunnel which is made of round stones further on. They looked like scratches made by a hand with just three nails or which used just three fingers. The reason being the nonlinear distance between the holes.
Fig. 23 - Carvings, similar to scratches, on the sandy surface of the central tunnel.
In these cases one must not get carried away and be fooled by suggestion.
However the fact is that someone carved that surface in many areas, even attempting at digging a hole in one point, like a convict carves the walls of his cell during a long detention.
Fig. 24 - Other scratches that seem to have tried to dig a hole in the very plastic wall.
This shows that there was a presence in that area and that it intended to leave something behind, nobody knows how long ago. Yet, who knows what tragedy is hidden behind those silent signs. Someone sealed inside the tunnels? So far we did not find their remains.
At the end of this scientific paper we wish to inform that we decided to create a new research group to improve the studies of phenomena and structures. The group is composed of open-minded academic researchers who constantly collaborate with the Foundation carrying out excavations in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. We decided to call it "Super Brain Research Group" with acronym "SBRG" and this is the first paper we publish together.
The photographs taken by the members of the group carry the new website’s logo, just designed for SB Researh Group by architect Krasovec Lucas.
Paolo Debertolis, Sara Acconci, Lucia Krasovec Lucas, Valeria Maria Hocza from Sb Research Group - 12 december 2010
Fig. 25 - Amir, Sara and Paolo
The video of scouting: YouTube
1) P.Debertolis, V.Hocza: "November 2010 Report on Ravne’s tunnels (Preliminary study approach)"
2) P.Debertolis, V.Hocza: "November 2010 Report on Ravne’s tunnels (Theories about artefacts and structure)"
3) P.Debertolis, V.Hocza: "November 2010 Report on Ravne’s tunnels (The initial measurements)"
4) P.Debertolis: "Ricognizione aerea sulle piramidi di Bosnia – La Piramide del Sole"
(translation by dr. Raffaella Agosti)