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November 2010 Report on Ravne’s tunnels (Preliminary study approach)


TAG: bosnian pyramids, Visoko Civilsation, archaeology, stecak, Ravne tunnels, Ravne Labyrinth, SBRG, SB Research Group


Fig. 1 - Ravne tunnels during expedition


This time the scientific expedition to Ravne maze included just three members: dr. Valeria Hocza, hungarian doctor, as scientific assistant; mr. Andrea Venturini, as the photographer, who has also actively participated in excavations at the Moon Pyramid, and myself, prof. agg. Paolo Debertolis as medical anthropologist.

As usual we left from Trieste (Italy) by car and took a nine-hour trip through Slovenia, Croatia and part of Bosnia, we have been immediately taken at Ravne’s tunnel during the night.

The magic of entering those tunnels in the middle of the night is priceless. As soon as we sank into the deep tunnels in the long structure (3 Km) situated on the West side of the Sun Pyramid, we were immediately welcomed by the brisk air.


Fig. 2 - The tunnels ogival shape (catenary). This ogive opens up where the tunnels tends to become wider

I am always amazed that, despite the narrow and humid structure, the air is always incredibly pure, with no unpleaseant smells that are usually present inside galleries with no forced ventilation.

Volunteers have abandoned the site a long time ago at the end of Autumn-Winter season and the operations are carried out by approximately seven workers carefully managed by Amir Suša, whom Semir Osmanagic, the father of the Bosnian Pyramid, has asked to organize the technical management of excavations.

The excavation plan had been previously agreed with the archaeologist, Sara Acconci, who is the scientific coordinator of the excavations at all structures of the Visoko Civilization in the same valley.


Fig. 3 - Amir Suša is very proud of the findings and is showing us the latest progress in the excavations


Despite the reduction of the workforce, operations never stopped and perhaps quality has even improved.

Excavations here cannot be compared to a mine; the work has to be very careful in order not to damage possible findings that could emerge, as it has happened many times lately. All findings had similar features. But we will deal with this aspect later on.

With no tourists, silence in the tunnel at this hour of the night did not seem hostile, rather it favoured concentration. Amazingly enough, the hung-over and the fatigue we had built up during the journey immediately disappeared as we went deeper into the tunnels. The air was not only brisk, but it also had an exhilarating effect, yet very different from the effect of alcohol.

We looked at each other in surprise and we stood for a long time in front of the megaliths abandoned here and there in the tunnels. They are all made of the same sandy material held together by a mysterious binder.
In particular we stopped in front of the 8-ton megalith with that goofy shape of a pudding outside of its bowl.


Fig. 4 - The 8-ton megalith is really large and it hardly fits into a wider area of the tunnel


The visit in the middle of the night is fascinating yet, compared to previous visits in July, it enabled us to capture details that could not be perceived among crowds of  shouting tourists or the noise of working men.


Fig. 5 - The light  is  spotting one of the tiny arrows drawn on the megalith’s surface.


Fig. 6 - The feeling is the same also for the other megaliths. In the red circle there is a small arrow that appears to indicate the flow’s direction


Fig. 7 - Dr. Valeria Hocza stays for a long time close to the 8-ton megalith

My colleague and I, as doctors,  agree that, whatever the origin of this flow (maybe by electromagnetic fields in these tunnels), it can probably induce the production of endorphins, just like in pain therapy’s different techniques (acupuncture, electro-stimulation, laser, etc). This would also explain the slightly exhilarating effect that can be felt at the entrance of Ravne’s tunnel.

Endorphins  are hormones produced by the brain . They carry out coordination and control of higher neural activities. They are responsible for the degree of moodiness and are a “natural drug”, produced by our body in order to improve our resistance to stress, fatigue and most of all, pain.

Furthermore, carvings on the megaliths – many small arrows not longer than 7-8 cm – seem to give precise indications as to the flow’s direction and how it crosses the rock.

Amir was with us during the visit and he showed us the last portions of the tunnel that have been re-opened by his team of workers.

As in previous years, the side branches have been neglected as the earth has not been cleared and, with the help of a compass, a precise choice was made to point to the Sun Pyramid. Yet some of the side branches have been opened as well.

Strangely enough, this last aspect contributed to the evolution of the theory on the Ravne tunnel.

By observing the tunnels as a whole, they seem to branch off with no logic whatsoever, but slowly the complexity and the sense of the structure emerges. The tunnels are not arranged in a rough geometrical pattern, but in another pattern.

Actually tunnels go up and down with such an inclination that allows water percolating from the tunnel’s walls to be carefully drained without proceeding too fast on the ground and taking material away. On the other side the inclination prevents it from stagnating in the galleries, thus forming ponds.

This means that the building techniques of Visoko’s Civilization were so advanced that for each tunnel the suitable inclination had been calculated, in order for the water to flow freely and so that its movement or stillness could not alter the very structure of the tunnel.

But you haven't heard the last of this.

The different heights inside the galleries, the fact that they sometimes are wider, then sometimes shrink, as well as the modification of the width between the two sides of the gothic arch representing the gallery's constant morphology, enables air circulation to accelerate sometimes and to slow down sometimes - according to Bernoulli's Theorem - depending on the effect desidered in that particular moment in that precise part of the gallery.


Fig. 8 - A side tunnel’s entrance that is still closed with the usual dry-stone wall

At this point I don’t think that everybody will have understood the meaning of this gallery system except for some bio-architect or some engineer, who is also an expert in fluximetry, therefore I will try to explain further.

Usually, in our homes or industrial buildings, the circulation of the inside air is a consequence of opening doors and windows. This aspect is often neglected over the intended use of the building itself.

If, for instance, we wanted to build a gymnasium and the communication hallways to reach it, we would not be interested in how the air circulates inside the gymnasium, because later we would provide ventilators and air shafts in order to reach the desired volume of circulating air. That means that if we needed a certain amount of cubage and had some money, we would build accordingly, without taking into consideration other factors, at least at the beginning.


Fig. 9 - Another side tunnel still to be cleared. However it has not been completely filled with earth.

However if we take this reasoning from an opposite side, i.e. we take into consideration air and fluid circulation as the most important part of our building, we will end up building “around” air circulation and also “around” water draining as is the case of Ravne’s tunnel.

The scenario at this point is extraordinary: the builders of the Ravne tunnel perforated the mountain with the idea to build around the flow of air.

In the end it is not a mine, but a structure built around megaliths and the flow of air. So we have to try to imagine a semi-hollow structure hundreds of metres long and wide.

You will think it is impossible for a population to build such a structure just because we do not have a technology that enables us to move millions of cubic meters of materials easily as they did. Yet if we did have that technology, we would certainly apply it if the building could have a thaumaturgic effect.

Think of entering your office or the factory you work for and, thanks to inside air and fluid circulation, all of your ailments disappear and you cheer up without doing anything to obtain it. Would you not go gladly to work?

Because it would no longer be working, but it would be like going to the spa and your productivity and mood would always be at their top conditions.

This is why findings in Ravne’s tunnel could rewrite history and also architecture. This structure, with its tunnels and its thaumaturgic features can support millions of cubic metres of earth above it without collapsing after thousands of years from its building. The reason being – as I already mentioned – they are not galleries dug into rock but a complex underground structure, twenty metres from the surface, at least in the parts that have been cleared so far.

Today we do not have such a technology, nor the knowledge, while this ancient population apparently had different relations with our planets physics and with its field lines.

Who could have built such a magnificence? And, above all, when did Visoko’s Civilization build it?

To answer these questions we will have to wait for the results of the research that have just started, yet progress made in the last few months is very promising.

But our main target (SBRG) is to study archaeoacustics and physical phenomena in this ancient site too.

prof. agg. Paolo Debertolis, dr. Valeria Hocza - 2 November 2010

(End of the first part)

Sincere thanks to Dr.Sci. Semir Osmanagic, who discovered the Bosnian Pyramids, for allowing these studies and to Amir Suša for his patience and helpfulness.




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