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November 2010 Report on the Bosnian Pyramids – Ravne’s tunnels (Theories about artefacts and structure)


TAG: bosnian pyramids, Visoko Civilsation, archaeology, stecak, Ravne's tunnel, Ravne Labyrinth, SBRG, SB Research Group


Fig. 1 - Some artefacts (little monoliths) found in Ravne's tunnels


What has emerged so far from excavations? After different historical periods of the tunnel s development – megaliths, construction and sealing - another civilization came along, probably much later in time (maybe in the Neolithic Age), who re-inhabited the tunnel’s entrance that has never been completely sealed, thus leaving many more traces of their presence.

When the tunnels have been re-opened in 2007, thanks to Semir Osmanagic’s genius, many traces of the latter population have been found, such as remnants of fires to make light or heat. They also left several moulds for bronze melting to make small objects such as arrowheads.

Yet if we go deeper into the tunnels, after removing the earth, there is no trace of those who sealed them or other signs that could give indications on those who built or sealed them, except for a few small monoliths found next to some chambers in which other tunnels start.

There is no trace of the smoke of torches at the entrance, nor hooks to some kind of lamp. Yet the tunnel is in complete darkness. Absolutely nothing. As if those who sealed the tunnels were also careful to remove everything or the tunnels were originally empty, except for the large monoliths and the important features are further in the tunnels, where the clearing has not yet been carried out.

But small manufactured objects emerging as clearing proceeds must be taken into consideration too. They are the only remains of the tunnels’ builders or of the following sealers’ and the objects must have been placed there on purpose, given the careful elimination of all other traces. The material with which they are made is the same of the large monoliths and if some of them are observed against the light, the same mysterious symbols we found on the stecaks emerge.


Fig. 2 - One of the manufactured objects found in the tunnels. An engraved halberd- or flower- looking shape can be clearly seen.


They are sandstones, as a block of concrete for us. The binder seems the same and the amorphous material inside looks like sand. Given the importance of the objects they cannot be taken down to analyse their structure more accurately.


Fig. 3 - Another  manufactured object found at the side of one of the tunnel’s entrances. The photograph is not clear enough, yet there is a small arrow engraved, similar to the one found on larger monoliths.


Since there is no further trace, these artefacts must be taken in serious consideration. They are usually placed on the tunnels’ round so as not to create obstacles and they seem to have been placed as if to indicate a direction.

Then they have been covered with earth without moving them or carrying them with the same earth that covered them. Unfortunately the smallest of them have been moved by the workers in order to make clearing easier. The latter, despite their peculiar shapes, have a smooth side in order for them to be placed and balanced. They almost look like abstract sculptures.


Fig. 4 - Another manufactured object found in the tunnels. Its shape is very peculiar as it recalls certain larger megaliths found in Carnac in Brittany and – with a bit of imagination - it is similar to a bird’s head


For this reason at the beginning, especially the small objects have been confused with stone deposits mixed to the earth used to seal the tunnels and put together with filling materials. It could be some sort of direction or they have another precise, unknown use, but they have been placed on purpose.

Let’s deal with the earth used to seal the tunnels.

Perhaps we cannot imagine the huge amount of earth used to seal the tunnels. Excavations started in 2007 and the hill created in the  bank in front of the tunnel has become bigger and bigger. It reminds me of remains deposited in front of ancient mines.


Fig. 5 - Photographs do not  give a fair idea of the huge amount of earth carried outside the galleries in three years. And yet it is only the first part of the tunnels.


Now, since only a minimal part of tunnels has been cleared, either  such a huge amount of earth has been carried by a huge number of people or it has been carried with a technology that could carry a massive amount of earth in a short period of time.
We would choose the latter explanation for a very simple reason: if thousands of people were used to seal the tunnels, they would have left also large amount of traces.

Just think of workers who come in our house to make small restructuring works. In the buckets of materials, how many empty cigarette packets, paper towels, wastes can you find? These people must have eaten something during their work, don’t you think? Where are those rests that might certainly have been abandoned in the earth filling up the galleries?

But we found nothing. Neither traces of the workers who sealed the tunnels, nor traces of their tools casually abandoned. We did not even find traces of the use of tools.

So the second hypothesis must be taken into consideration, i.e. the implementation of a very sophisticated technology to seal the tunnels allowed for the transportation of huge amounts of materials in a short period of time, with no great effort and few workers.

We have extensively discussed this issue with Semir Osmanagić, the pyramids’ discoverer, and all we could think of is the use of a large hose to shoot a large amount of earth inside the galleries without moving the objects placed on the round.

The use of transportation devices can be excluded owing to the narrow size of the tunnels. Furthermore there should have been traces of wheels or caterpillar tracks.


Fig. 6 - The narrow size of several parts of the tunnel suggests that no machines have been used to carry the earth that sealed tunnels so carefully


It must be recalled that simple carriages on wheels are the only means to carry the earth cleared by workers and volunteers with shovels inside the tunnels and there cannot be too many of them owing to circulation problems. This aspect is a remarkable progress compared to a few months ago when wheelbarrows had to be used.


Fig. 7 - Carriages to carry the earth are the most effective means for movements inside the tunnels. This photo was taken at the entrance of Ravne’s tunnels.


Therefore if the use of many slaves (or simply, workers) inside the tunnels to carry out sealing seems impossible, we must admit that the population who sealed the tunnel must have had a very sophisticated level of technology in the moving of the earth; quite similar to the technology belonging to those who built the tunnels.  Could it be the same civilization? Maybe, but there is no evidence of that.

Let us continue to use the logic applied to data collected so far in Ravne’s tunnels.

If a population owned such a technology, why didn’t they just close down the tunnels’ entrances with concrete walls?
The obvious answer is that they did not feel it was enough and I am thinking of something like Chernobyl, who knows. Yet there is another reason for using the earth to seal the tunnels: if a population owned such an advanced technology to move a lot of earth rapidly and in a short time to seal the tunnel, they also had the technology to clear it.

Therefore the sealing of tunnels was considered a temporary solution to a temporary situation, after which the tunnels could be recovered. However, apparently, this temporary solution was not as temporary as it seemed and it carried on until today.

What happened, that required such a sealing? It is hard to say and all hypotheses would be airy-fairy.

Someone is convinced that the tunnels’ sealing has taken place to prevent something outside from damaging the structures inside (water? A war?); we feel that if something like this were to have happened,  the very first portions of the tunnels would not have been left empty, i.e. those used during the Bronze Age.

Other people think that those who sealed the tunnels closed themselves inside the structure by placing many meters of earth between them and the danger outside.
We think that something slipped out of hand of this population and they wanted to confine themselves into the depth of the structure (Radon gas?).

Presumably after a few years this danger no longer exists, yet this aspect remains to be seen.
For this last reason I started measuring the radioactivity in the tunnel and in several fissures which opened up in the Sun Pyramid owing to tectonic movements that invested the pyramid itself. These measurements have been made by the University of Sarajevo, yet our team decided to carry them out differently.

Our measurements, precisely the initial measurements will be repeated in December and will be discussed in next paper.


Fig. 8 - A dry-stone wall seals the entrance to an underground chamber that goes downwards to the side of the cleared tunnel.


prof. agg. Paolo Debertolis, dr. Valeria Hocza - 16 November 2010

(2 - to be continued)

A few small clips shot during the research:

1) Ravne’s Tunnel under the Sun Pyramid – One ton pyramid

2) Ravne’s Tunnel under  the Sun Pyramid – Latest parts of the tunnel cleared out from the earth


Sincere thanks to Dr.Sci. Semir Osmanagic, who discovered the Bosnian Pyramids, for allowing these studies and to Amir Suša for his patience and helpfulness.




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