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November 2010 Report on the Bosnian Pyramids – Ravne’s tunnels (The initial measurements)
TAG: bosnian pyramids, Visoko Civilsation, archaeology, stecak, Ravne tunnel, SBRG, SB Research Group
Introduction - After plumbing the depths of Ravne’s tunnels and their connections to a technologically advanced population, we believed we had to evaluate possibile dangers that could be still existing in this structure, and that required its sealing. Has this structure been sealed because there are radioactive and dangerous materials inside? Is there still a danger for workers and for those who are trying to unveil its secrets? Therefore we wanted to start analysing ionizing radiations existing inside this labyrinth. In October 2010 the Veterinary Department of the University of Sarajevo carried out an analysis, but then we did one too in November 2010. Results were not overlapping and they somehow contrasted those obtained by the ones preceding us. Paolo Debertolis, Valeria M. Hocza - 20 november 2010.
What caused the sealing of Ravne’s tunnels, placed next to the Sun Pyramid? According to some, an external danger. Yet if it were so, why have they been closed along their whole length?
Up to now, thanks to excavations sponsored by the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, approximately 350 – 400 meters from the entrance towards the Pyramid have been cleared. Side tunnels – which seem to have been sealed with the same method, i.e a dry-stone wall and earth along their length up to the ceiling – have been almost entirely neglected.
Is it not possible that the tunnels have been sealed because of a danger existing much deeper into the structure?
We carried out several readings inside Ravne’s tunnels, next to the Sun Pyramid
If we take into consideration the second hypothesis, one must be careful. Since this civilization might have been technologically advanced, it probably was well aware of radioactivity. Therefore we have to start measuring radioactivity in the tunnels, in order to determine whether there are natural ionizing radiations at such a depth and if there is something abnormal.
Previous measurements
On 6 October 2010 a studying group of the Veterinary Department of the University of Sarajevo, led by prof. Lejla Saracevic, went at Ravne’s tunnels to measure the dose of ionizing radiations existing in the tunnels.
The resulting report, dated 13/10/2010 quoted in the results: “At the entrance of the underground labyrinth of “Ravne” the detected range was 0,12 – 0,13 µSv/h (microSievert /hr) which is within average values normally present in Bosnia-Herzegovina”.
And more: “The values of dose measurements of ionizing radiations existing in the galleries and next to the megalyths, fall within a range of 0,05-0,09 µSv/h (microSievert/hr),which is below the average ionizing radiations normally present in Bosnia-Hercegovina”.
They conclude:
“1) The dose of ionizing radiations existing in “Ravne”’s underground labyrinth is well below average levels of ionizing radiations in Bosnia Hercegovina.
2) The rate of ionizing radiations detected is due to radiations sent out by natural radionuclides contained in the rocks and grounds of the measured area. There is a clear absence of cosmic rays in the measured areas.
3) The ionizing-radiation hazard in the underground tunnel is minor.
The report of the Veterinary Department of the University of Sarajevo
For the measurement of radioactivity two different instruments have been used: an up-to-date Berthold LB-123 contamination monitor, manufactured in Germany (© 2008 BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH & Co. KG) to measure gamma radiations and a very obsolete, though reliable KOMO TM system, manufactured in Russia, to measure beta and gamma radiations together.
Materials and methods
For our measurements we used a GAMMA-SCOUT Geiger counter, w/ALERT model, manufactured in Germany . It had a Goigor-Mullor tube with steel coating filled with halogen gas, alfa, beta and gamma-radiation dosing and rotating radiation discriminator.
The GAMMA-SCOUT Geiger counter . It is a very compact, but also sophisticated instrument.
It is a very compact, portable device with internal memory recording radiation trends and USB port to download measurements on the PC.
Readings were carried out at different spots in the gallery from the entrance up to the last cleared part of the tunnel. Given the device’s rapid recordings, readings have been collected spot-check, by staying on the spot for several minutes in order to collect more precise readings.
Three measuring inspections of Ravne’s tunnels were carried out in two days.
Normally, main radioactive materials present in rocks are Potassium-40, Rubidium-87, and two series of radioactive elements originating from the decay of Uranium-238 and Thorium-232; these are two long-life radionucleotides (very high value of half-life), existing on the Earth from its origins.
Obviously earth radiation levels are different in the different parts of the world, just as concentrations of these materials on the earth crust vary.
In measurements carried out outside of the tunnel’s entrance in order to calibrate the equipment, we detected a natural radioactivity slowly swinging in a range from 0,12 to 0,18 µSv/h (microSievert/hour) which is to be considered a normal range.
The microSievert (µSv) is a multiple of the Sievert (Sv) equal to one millionth of a Sievert.
The Sievert is the measuring unit of the radiation equivalent dose in the International System and it is the measurement of the effects and damages caused by radiations on the body. The Sievert replaced the traditional unit, the rem (1 Sv = 100 rem).
In Heidelberg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), where the instruments used have been manufactured, natural background radiations fall within a range of 0,10 and 0,20 µSv/h (microSievert/hour).
In Finland the natural background varies from 0,04 to 0,30 µSv/h and the alarm threshold has been set to 0,4 µSv/h. Values above 0,60 µSv/h reveal the presence of a radioactive source.
We wish to recall that a simple chest X-ray exposes us to 1.000 µSv (microSievert) in a single dosage, a CAT to 3-4.000 µSv.
Outside Ravne’s tunnels we registered natural radioactivity ranging between 0,11 and 0,18 µSv/h, depending on the force of the cosmic component reaching the ground. In the picture a maximum measurement of 0,18 µSv/h is being reached.
Once we went deeper into the tunnel for a few metres, natural radioactivity decreased drastically to 0,08 – 0,10 µSv/h because of the lack of cosmic radiations.
After a few metres natural radioactivity decreased drastically because of the lack of cosmic radiations. We were 20 metres below the earth. Measurements showed 0.10 µSv/h
However, going deeper into the tunnels radioactivity levels seemed to rise in different spots without ever exceeding 0,20 µSv/h. Therefore they were safely within non dangerous limits.
We have detected the highest levels in the ramifications of the tunnels that are closer to the Sun Pyramid.
In our third inspection also Dr. Semir Osmanagic (right in the picture) came with us. He could observe personally the strange behaviour of radioactivity in the tunnels that are closer to the Sun Pyramid.
In the different spots in which radioactivity was measured, we noticed quite constantly that it rapidly swung in a range of approximately 5-6 scalar hundredths in a little less than a minute. I.e. the measurement could go from 0,14 to 0,20 µSv/h and vice versa, with increasing swinging as if this radiation were modulated or softened rhythmically by something.
This strange behaviour took place only in few parts of the gallery, close to the Sun Pyramid. It was much less marked in the side tunnels.
Results obtained so far have to be considered preliminary, however we can declare that radioactivity inside the tunnels does not reach dangerous levels.
Only after drawing a complete map of the re-opened tunnels – and we plan to do it as soon as possible - , will we be able to highlight areas with higher levels of radioactivity, although not dangerous.
The strange modulation of background radioactivity was interesting in that it seemed to swing rapidly as if there was something coming from the Sun Pyramid and interfering with radioactivity itself or lessening it.
Despite the absence of cosmic radiations since we were 20-30 metres below the earth, natural radioactivity levels in certain spots that were closer to the Sun Pyramid, was similar to outside levels.
Results obtained so far suggest and require a more careful research into the different forms of energy that can be measured inside the tunnels. They will be the reason for our next expedition to Ravne in December 2010.
prof. agg. Paolo Debertolis, dott. Valeria M. Hocza - 20 November 2010
Translated by Raffaella Agosti