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New experiment on the Pyramid of the Sun for the study of electromagnetic and ultrasonic emissions

 TAG: bosnian pyramids, pyramid Bosnia, archaeoacoustics, Visoko civilzation, archaeology, arcaeo-acustic, voice pyramid, Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, SBRG, SB Research Group

In late April 2012 an international team of scientists will perform an experiment on the emission of electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun
The physics researcher Slobodan Mizdrak, who will lead the team for this experiment, has developed a protocol for it which we publish below.


Slobodan Mizdrak at ICBP2011 conference in Visoko


Experiment on Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in the late April 2012.

Lead by Slobodan Mizdrak

With great help of Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation and SB Research Group


The main goal of the experiment:

Find the source of an electromagnetic and ultrasound emission with a triangular way of capturing both effects – with 8 probes recording echo signals on different geographical places.


The reason for the experiment:

In the last two years eight different teams of scientists and enthusiasts from 5 countries (Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Italy and Finland) detected with various instruments strange energy fields on the pyramids and tunnels around them. The energies, a lot higher than signals, in electromagnetic and ultrasound fields with specific frequency varied +/- 20% with a middle in 28, 6 kHz. There are no known natural or artificial sources with those frequencies with so narrowed points in the field. Not with electromagnetic and ultrasound (mechanical) vibrations at the same time and nearly the same place. On the top of the pyramid or deep down, in the tunnel!

Guided by a scientific mind (read: restless without results) we decided to make a project to find a source of that energy-informational field with a 3D method of analyzing collected data on the field.


 The methodology of the experiment:

On the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (BPS) we will set electronic devices which will irradiate electromagnetic (EM) and ultrasound (UM) emission with specific frequencies (now 24 – 40 kHz) simultaneously, with sinusoid waveform, and with amplitude power no more than 40 Watts. Irradiation or shining is simple and with small power – with no affects to flora, fauna or human beings around the specific place.

Our detectors or probes are set to receive all responses in both EM and US emissions and record them for further analyses. This means recording original signals-energies and all others (mostly interferences of both signals originals from BPS and produced ones). So, if we know the exact place in 3D of all of our probes, with timeline recorded for all data, we will be able to pinpoint the exact place where the source of energy beam is on a 3D map.

Mathematically, the speed of EM/light and the speed of sound/mechanical vibration in the same system are constant. How to find distance is just a matter of precise time intervals.  With 4 probes for each of the EM and US and with the exact time of receiving the same signals we can easy calculate the distance from the source. And not only the distance but the direction as well! This means we will find the specific spot where the source is.

The GPS system works in the same mathematical way.


Timeline of experiment:

Our team will come to Visoko on April 23 2012 sometime in the afternoon. We will set up and test the equipment the next day. The start of the experiment is 9.00 AM April 25 2012. The duration of the experiment is 48 hours, so the end of the experiment is in 9.01 AM April 27 2012. Data collected during our experiment will be analyzed in the next 2-6 months (over 3 TBytes) and published on Foundation and SBRG web sites.


Schema of experiment (clic for enlarging)


Transparency of the experiment:

Everything what will happen during our project will be recorded including audio, video and all captured data.  Three high resolution cameras will be placed near our equipment to record and send audio/video to the motel where we can see and hear everything in real time. Also everything will be placed on the internet in real time, so whoever wants to can easily track us from any part of the world.

After the experiment, all collected data will be available on the internet for all kinds of individual calculation.


Avoiding problems:

The main reason why we do not want people to sneak around is their electronic devices like cell phones, mobile cameras etc which can interfere with our very sensitive probes. All extra EM and US can disturb our measuring and prolong data calculation. Even that can mislead our results.

If someone really wants to be there, that is not a problem and it’s not dangerous. I will be there as much as possible as well. My dear colleague dr. Riccardo Brett will be there with his team during all 48 hours of the experiment. There are only three rules for people who want to sneak around: leave your electronic devices at least 200m from the experiment place, do not touch the equipment and do not make any loud sounds.  



We are not here for theoretical discussions. We cannot answer who built the pyramids and when. We don’t know why they built them. Or how.

Our international and multidisciplinary team of experts will do a practical experiment:

 After 48 hours of recording data from the probes and calculating data we will be able to find the direction and length to the source of EM and US which was found initially on BPS in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and Ravno Tunnels.


The team:

Davor Jadrijevic, mag.

Edo Popovic, writer and journalist

Goran Marjanovic, ing.

Heikki Savolainen, ing.

Hrvoje Vesligaj,

Ivan Simatovic, dr.

Jadranko Djurasin, photographer

Leonardo Blazenic, ing.

Ljubo Ristovski, prof. dr.

Milan Guncic, medical supervision

Paolo Debertolis, prof.dr.

Ranko Tintor, ing. and photographer

Riccardo Bret, dr.

Stanko Magic,ing.

Vladimir Matek, ing.

Vladimir Skenderovic, photographer

Zlatan Alicevic, dr.

and our host Sam Osmanagich, dr.


In Zagreb, Croatia, 15. April 2012.

Slobodan Mizdrak






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