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Archaeoacoustics in ancient sites
Paolo Debertolis*, Niccolò Bisconti**
*Department of Medical Sciences - University of Trieste
**Department of Archaeology and Art History - University of Siena
Abstract — Using archaeoacoustics we can analyze ancient sites from another point of view to discover the real purpose of their builders to point out natural phenomena connected with a particular location and the mystic state of visitors. We also present the results from two ancient sites we studied over the last two years in Europe.
Proceedings in Scientific Conference “The 1st International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (SCIECONF-2013)",Slovakia, Zilina, June 10 - 14, 2013: 306-310.
Published by: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Univerzitná 1, 01026 Žilina, Slovak Republic.
ISBN: 978-80-554-0726-5 and ISSN: 1339-3561.
You can find the original paper in English by SBRG here.
Original Proceedings of SCIECONF 2013 Congress, Section 9: pp. 306-310
Direct link for downloading article from the archive of the Congress: here