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Warning to the readers

The Research for an Archaeoacoustics Standard

Paolo Debertolis*, Slobodan Mizdrak**, Heikki Savolainen***


 *Department of Medical Sciences - University of Trieste, Italy

**Demiurg d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

***HSS Production, Audiovisual Impressions, Helsinki, Finland


Abstract Research into archaeoacoustics and physical phenomena in ancient sites is still very much at the  developmental stage. Currently there is no practical standard to study this complementary discipline of archaeology. During the three years our group has been studying archaeoacoustics and natural phenomena, we have been able to explain some enigmas of ancient archaeological sites that were not possible to explain in other ways. Following our experience, we spent time in our laboratories developing an archaeoacoustic protocol that can be applied to the investigatation of any archaeological site. Indeed it is important to define a standard at international level so that other researchers can use the same methodology to repeat previous findings.


Proceedings in the Congress “The 2nd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas” (ARSA-2013) Slovakia,  December 2 - 6, 2013: 305-310.


Published by: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Univerzitná 1, 01026 Žilina, Slovak Republic.

 ISSN 1338-9831.

 You can find the original paper in English by SBRG here.



Original pages of paper from Proceedings of the Congress ARSA 2013.




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