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Archaeo-acoustics in the South of England by SBRG research group
TAG: electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, archaeo-acoustics, SBRG, SB Research Group
As part of our research into archaeoacoustics, and electromagnetic phenomena at ancient archaeological sites, some members of SBRG, traveled to the South of England in May 2012.
Here we examined two Neolithic archaeological sites; The Kings Men Stone Circle (Rollright Stones) and Wayland's Smithy long barrow, looking for resonance and ultrasounds in the presence of special conditions withinin these ancient structures.
Fig.1 - The site of The Kings Men Stone Circle (Rollright Stones) an old print and how it is today
Fig.2 - We have placed our equipment in different positions inside the stone circle, using the same protocol established in Bosnia
Fig.3 - The most powerful ultrasound effect was found at sunrise in the center of the stone circle
Fig.4 - The tool used to capture ultrasounds was the Aquarian H2a-XLR Hydrophones and Marantz PMD661 digital recorder
Fig.5 - Our new expert of English language, Nina Earl, felt perfectly the vibration from the megaliths when hit by sunlight. This vibration can be felt at sunrise, by placing the hand on the surface of larger megaliths
Fig.6 - At the same time, the researcher and archaeological photographer Adam Stanford ( ) was performing overhead photographs of the megalithic circle. Here's a great picture taken from his computer which shows perfectly the entire circle
Fig.7 - Around us the beautiful English countryside with its rape seed oil crops
The resonance of Wayland's Smithy proved particularly sensitive to the human male voice timbre however, it did not appear to resonate from the vibrations induced by musical instruments.
This confirmed what has already been reported in studeis from the1990’s by the PEAR research group of University of Princerton (USA).
Fig.8 - The elongated shape of the megalith site of Wayland's Smithy. The resonance chamber is located at the base on southern side
Fig.9 - The entrance to the resonance chamber on the South side
Fig.10 - The resonance chamber at South side of this structure. This structure has a central chamber and two lateral. The greatest effect can be found at the center of the central chamber
Fig.11 - We applied the usual rigid protocols for recording; the recorder was placed outside the chamber and the microphones were placed inside
Fig. 12 - Before using the human voice we attempted to solicit the system resonance using percussion instruments such as gongs and singing bells, but without success. The resonance is only activated by the voice
The Kings Men Stone Circle at dawn seemed to produce ultrasonic frequencies very similar to those already found in Bosnia with the Bosnian pyramids.
The working hypothesis is that some sacred sites have been built in some areas in relation to these natural phenomena. It is not understood if neolithic people came to know this only through hearing or by using primitive tools. At other ancient sites (Wayland's Smithy). sites, there is clearly a desire to produce resonance during prayer or sacred songs that can alter the state of consciousness of those present at the ceremony.
Fig.13 - The entire structure Neolithic of Wayland's Smithy, situated along the ancient Ridgeway close to Uffington White Horse in the English countryside
Our archaeoacoustics research will continue along this line looking at the affect of other archaeological sites in Europe.
Paolo Debertolis - August 2, 2012