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Latest report on the work of consolidation before bringing to light the underground structure in Ravne's tunnels
TAG: pyramids Bosnia, Bosnian pyramids, Visoko's Civilization, pyramids, archeology, artifact, tomb
Get latest news by responsible archaeologist, Sara Acconci, about the protections of the underground structure from water.
The walls and the recollection of water pit placed upstream of the excavation site have been completed and has been connected to the new drainage tube.
Fig. 1 - The walls placed upstream of the excavation are now connected to the new drainage tube (Photo Aidjn Ahmetspahic)
Fig. 2 - Now the drainage tube is placed at the side of the tunnel and no more in the center (Photo Aidjn Ahmetspahic)
It has performed a small change to the project downstream the site of escavation, conveying in a pit with square base also waters from the nearby tunnel, located on the left of the one in which the structure to be investigated was found.
Fig. 3 - The new concrete pit for the water with a square base located downstream of the excavation (Photo Aidjn Ahmetspahic)
Currently it is expected it will need few days to wait to dry the walls and begin the excavation, which is expected to resume next Tuesday.
Paolo Debertolis for SB Research Group - August 12, 2011