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Report of November 2011 on the situation inside Ravne labyrinth
TAG: pyramids Bosnia, Bosnian pyramids, Visoko Civilization, pyramids, archeology, artifact, Ravne labyrinth, SBRG, SB Research Group
In November 2011 our research team decided to do an inspection in Visoko to evaluate the possibility of begining excavations, to bring the structure discovered last July under the floor in Ravne’s tunnels by GPR to light.
The situation that occurred was disastrous. The work we did to remove water from the area surrounding the structure completely failed its purpose.
A stream seems to go peacefully throughout the surrounding area and above the structure with a deepth of four inches.
Fig.1 - The appearance of the gallery, above the underground chamber, is disheartening. A four inch deep stream continues to flow, despite the efforts made by workers of the Foundation for cleaning up (Ajdin Ahmetspahic photos)
This situation is partly due to the change of air flow in the tunnel, following the opening of original sections of tunnel.
Fig. 2 - Some sections of the tunnels continue to be closed because of the danger of collapse (Ajdin Ahmetspahic photos)
The change in air flow has caused condensation to run from the walls and vaults like small rivulets of water, this was caused by the high humidity in the tunnels.
All that water contributes to the conglomerate to loosen encouraging small and significant increases of tunnel collapses. In the past years, under direction of controversial work, such collapses have eliminated the original morphology of the tunnel and extending shape. Unfortunately the change of catenary shape, which was able to release the pressure of the overlying strata, now leads to the formation of points of least resistance, from which come off blocks of conglomerate smashing the boards placed above the props. In sections where the original catenary shape remained, there is not any problem with static.
During an inspection of the archaeological site, we have seen a collapse that has taken part of the electrical system, leaving most of tunnel in the dark. Thanks to the lamps placed above our helmets, we were able to find the exit, while the workers evacuated the collapsed area from debris to restore the electrical continuity.
Fig. 3 - The collapse that we witnessed which left us in the dark. A block of conglomerate that broke off from the ceiling broke through the boards placed over the props, but other blocks were stopped by guards (Ajdin Ahmetspahic photos)
Fig. 4 - The workers of the Foundation later removed precarious blocks and inserted security guards (Ajdin Ahmetspahic photos)
Fig. 5 - All of us were very puzzled by this situation. On the left, Dr. S. Acconci, in the center our new collaborator Dr. M. Merlo, right prof. P. Debertolis (Ajdin Ahmetspahic photos)
At the end of the site inspection we had a meeting with dr.sci. Semir Osmanagic, the chief of Bosnian Foundation of the Pyramid of the Sun. In it, dr.sci. Osmanagic clarified the direction for the future of the Foundation under three priorities, as well as reported on the Foundation's website (here), and stating the global financial crisis has reduced sponsorship.
Fig. 6 - At the end of the site inspection we had a frank exchange of views with the scientific director of the Foundation, dr.sci. Semir Osmanagic, who outlined the Foundation’s future intentions(Ajdin Ahmetspahic photos)
The priorities, set by dr.sci. Semir Osmanagic, are:
1) The first thing to do is to secure the tunnels to prevent further collapses, other priorities including research will take a back seat. The archaeologist Acconci had reported this problem for some time, but it was not taken into consideration.
2) The Foundations second priority is to bring to light the structure, but according to when they will consider it’s appropriate to do so, not according to our availability.
3) The third priority is to dig in the direction of the Pyramid of the Sun, but without removing the water from the tunnels. It will take several years to reach this goal. It is unclear how long they want to operate in an ambient environment saturated with water vapor, with 20-30 cm of water on the floor without changing the shape of the structure.
This program decided unilaterally by Foundation, needs a rethink in terms of our collaboration between our research group and the Foundation of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, both in time and scope.
From this moment on, it is very unlikely our research group will continue to collaborate with the Foundation of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun to identify other artifacts that may be present in the tunnels or on the surface.
However, we will continue to collaborate with the Foundation in regard to the research and study of electromagnetic and vibratory phenomena (ultrasounds) throughout the entire Bosnian pyramid complex.
Paolo Debertolis – Friday, November 11, 2011