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New photos coming from the new section of the Ravne tunnels


 TAG: pyramids Bosnia, Bosnian Pyramids, Visoko civilization, pyramids, archeology, Sara Acconci, SBRG, SB Research Group

The archaeologist of SB Research Group, Dr. Sara Acconci, is also the leading archaeologist responsible for the Foundation of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. She is now residing permanently in Visoko and has come down in recent days in the new section of the tunnels accompanied by an Italian archaeological-caver.
These brave researchers have ventured up to 120 meters inside the new section of the tunnels, ie up to the point where it was no longer possible to continue because the water reached the height of the throat.
They managed, however, to make images very interesting. Let's analyze them.

Not only they have discovered that the right tunnel appears free from debris, but it is possible by sucking water to go forward without finding other obstacles.

Fig. 1 - The suggestive Appearance of the new section of Ravne tunnels; the images are very bright for a flash, but it should be remembered that the entire distance is totally in the dark

The Italian team of SB Research Group has made a series of very interesting photographs that clearly discern that there is a channel half-buried in the middle of the path, covered with a material similar to clay. This suggests its construction was used to drain the water of minimum flows, just like in sewerage systems.


Fig. 2 - It is clearly visible in the bottom of  the tunnel the channel that was used to drain the water of minimum flows

According to the analysis of our expert for instrumentation, engineer Battistoni, the fact that some of these tunnels are filled with water and others do not is perhaps indicating that the slopes are partly changed in the setup of land by tectonic changes in the thousands of years since their construction. But it is also possible that it is simply closed the main drainage below, most likely hypothesis.


Fig. 3 - A branch blocked by a dry stone wall


Fig. 4 - A mass of debris that prevents continuing on to a branch of the tunnel. It is not once collapsed, but it is a passage blocked deliberately

Italian researchers have also performed the photographs with a water permanent digital camera to take underwater shots that shows the structure of the channel below the water.

Fig. 5 - Here is the aspect of the tunnel above and below the water surface


Fig. 6 - This is the appearance of the bottom of the tunnel covered by water with two images taken below the water surface


Fig. 7 - Two more underwater images that are well evidenced the channel structure for minimum flow which is deepened in the centre of the tunnel

Dry stone walls are supposed to be on the outside of bends where the water tends to erode the wall for speed, and then the wall needs to be protected, because with all those projections create vortexes that slow down the speed and force of the water. Instead we find them in the new section in straight sections. So the long stretches of dry stone walls that protect the walls to imply that these tunnels has been complemented by a wide range of water, but it is said to use as sewer.

Fig. 8 - An image of dry stone walls placed to protect the walls of the tunnel

Ultimately what use has this water that circulated inside the tunnels?
Hard to say, but just the water seems to be the key to understanding the use of  Ravne tunnels.

According to the theory of some, it is believed that the Ravne tunnels are only the first stage of a particular dynamo that using the rubbing of the water on the walls of the tunnels would generate static energy slong the entire structure. Energy that would be directed into the pyramid.
A kind of "power plant" ahead of its time? Perhaps, but in this case it would be a real energy machine in part still working, given the ultrasonic vibration and radio waves that are come from the apex of the pyramid.


Fig. 9 - Some no nice little "clouds", which we referred to as SBI, who sometimes accompanied our brave explorers. In the last photo below the same section of the tunnel after the SBI had vanished

Our expert for instrumentation engineer. Battistoni, was a very active member of SB Research Group in the analysis of the data transmitted from this site by our team. He developed a prospective study of the possible morphology as "cells" of the plant of the Ravne tunnels. Although this hypothesis is not fully confirmed by the present state of exploration, the next image appears, however, is rather suggestive and can capture the complexity of this structure.


Fig. 10 - . Lo studio grafico dell’ing. Battistoni sulla possibile morfologia della pianta dei tunnel, come desunta dalle ultime analisi. Si tratta di un disegno ipotetico che va confermato dalle prossime esplorazioni

Paolo Debertolis – February 18, 2011


We thank the Foundation of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun for the use of their documentation for the compilation of this article.





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