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Preliminary results in the research of sound wave emissions by megalyths in Visoko Valley (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Keywords: Bosnian Pyramids, Visoko Civilization, pyramids, archaeoacoustics, Voice of the pyramid, SBRG, SB Research Group

As explained in different recent papers, the knowledge of sound and the exploitation of its effects in different megalithic civilizations remarkably influenced planning and building of monumental structures.

Therefore the study of ancient buildings is unveiling a lost ancient knowledge. However it is not a novelty in archaeology.

Many examples could be cited, e.g. research carried out on ancient temples built up to 6000 years ago in Malta, or strange sound abnormalities in the large ball court and in Kukulkan temple in Chichen Itza, or several sites in the United Kingdom (Wayland’s Smithy, Chun Quoit and Cairn Euny) or in Ireland (Newgrange, Cairns L and I, Carbane West). The latter structures date back to approximately 3500 b.C. and, although roughly carved in the details, all these areas show resonance frequencies which, during continuous singing and praying, could influence individual moods even to a state of trance, owing to the direct effect of these sound waves at particular frequencies on the human body.

In order to understand this ancient technology, researchers have to apply a multi-disciplinary approach to their studies so as to overcome the scope of traditional archaeology and open a different dimension in the study of ancient worlds.

This is also the purpose of our research, carried out thanks to equipment that is not related to archaeology, but that helps us to understand the effects on the human body, thanks to the measurement of phenomena.

In the Bosnian pyramid we wanted to verify the findings of the Croatian physicist Slobodan Mizdrak from Zagreb [3], who arrived in the Bosnian Pyramids’ Valley on 10 and 11 April 2010.

In his study he carried out measurements in three areas: on the Sun Pyramid, on Vratnica Tumulus and on the side of Ravne’s pre-historic compound.

On that occasion the equipment he used was: an electromagnetic radiation detector EMF 823 with internal sensor and an electromagnetic radiation detector EMF 828 with 3D external sensor, factory calibrated with great precision. Two supporting devices were added: an oscilloscope and a spectrometer.


Fig. 1 - The physicist Slobodan Mizdrak during his survey (Picture: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation)


The physicist Mizdrak detected a continuous ultrasound presence with the same emission frequency (28kHz) and even the same sine shape, in the central plain of the Bosnian Sun Pyramid and also centrally to the plain on top of  Vratnica Tumulus, and also in the passages sideways to the pre-historic underground compound of Ravne.

After a preliminary analysis, we felt that the equipment itself limited the frequency that had been detected, since a short wave detector had been used thus possibly limiting the signal to 28.000Hz, whereas the signal was much wider and complex.

During the previous months we had detected the frequency at the Sun Pyramid, however with different features compared to Mizdrak’s. It appears that his analyses have been carried out in too short a period to define precisely emission characteristics, with all due respect to the quality of his work.

In our detections on top of the Sun Pyramid (from January until April in three different rounds) [1, 2], we could observe a remarkable change both in the precise point of detection of the ultrasound frequency and in its features.

It was demonstrated that the emission can move even 10-15 metres from the main first point of detection, yet never beyond that point.

In the last observations in April we have also used three different operators with the same equipment (compander) for a prolonged period. In particular, despite accurate search by dr. Acconci within the Medieval citadel placed eastwards, on the top of the pyramid, no clear signal was detected.

The emission of ultrasound radiations appeared to be concentrated on top in the Westward portion, in a quite wide area of detection.


Fig. 2 - On top of the Sun Pyramid recordings inside the Medieval citadel gave poor results previously. We tried again in May 2011 during a shooting of Sarajevo’s television


We felt that the emission beam was much wider that the one detected by Mizdrak – 5-6 meter - wider; yet we felt also that this beam had moved in a quite large area, yet never beyond a 15-20-meter-diameter circle on top of the pyramid outside the medieval fortress.

Also its intensity was not constant but modulated and sometimes even absent. In particular, during recordings in April we found that the sound could stop for ten minutes or so and then reappear even with a very high intensity.

The advantage of using a compander instead of an electromagnetic radiation detector connected to an oscilloscope is that it is possibile to listen clearly to the frequency with all components as if listening to an orchestra and violins can be distinguished from winds or  timpani.

We observed the presence of two different components; one was more constant yet less powerful and the other was modulated, inconstant yet very powerful (when present).

Fig. 3 - The use of the compander is quite simple: headphones are connected to the equipment and the microphone’s antenna has to be pointed to the ground. Then one must walk and try to detect ultrasound beams emerging from the hill. In the hills close by there was nothing of the sort


The impression received while examining in the studio recordings carried out according to the rigid protocol elaborated by our devices expert, is that our equipment might have detected sometimes also radio waves coming from the ground and concentrated on the pyramid. They overlapped the basic frequency.

At Vratnica Tumulus the phenomenon did not seem present to the same extent, yet it seemed much more discontinuous.

In this area we even used four different operators, however only one of them was able to detect a frequency coming from the Tumulus. The detection was not located at the centre of the plain on top of the Tumulus, but it was discontinuous and located far from the center.


Fig. 4 - All parameters of each recording have been noted, including spurious parameters, such as an airplane flying above us or a dog barking. Notes were recorded on forms prepared by our devices expert (eng. Battistoni)


With the same equipment we have been able to verify the possible presence of a “chimney” coming from the chamber placed 5 metres below the top of the tumulus and detected a few years ago by a soil log.

Passing over this narrow area, all operators observed a variation of the white noise that can be detected when there is no ultrasound emission. There was a very weak, high-frequency sound. This happened every time one passed above the hypothetical chimney.

Possibly Mizrak’s devices detected this discontinuity in an area in which natural audio frequencies might have concentrated owing to the movement of air.

Fig. 5 - In the area close to the supposed chimney we compared impressions by all operators


Instead we detected a more similar emission to that of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in a farther position from the top with very peculiar features.

At present we are trying to separate audio from radio frequencies of natural origin, by means of several experiments even with other devices.

It seems not plausible that the creators of these structures were unaware of these “effects” connected to the ground’s physics and concentrated from their structures, yet they must have been looking for them deliberately. The majority of their ceremonies were probably carried out on top of the Sun Pyramid or on Vratnica Tumulus and the effect they looked for was more or less something that could alter the state of consciousness of the human body during these moments of spiritual evolution.

For a long time medicine has been aware of the therapeutic use of ultrasounds which - at certain frequencies – can have a pain-killing, anti inflammatory effect in orthopaedics owing to a direct action on human cells and also their stimulatory effect on the recovery of blood vessels is well known, even though the mechanism is unknown.

Yet they cannot be considered a panacea, as precise degrees of frequency and impulses are necessary.

On the contrary, often sound waves create different, even very serious interferences, starting from acoustic pollution, to reach professional diseases caused by the workers’ proximity to noisy instrumentations. Luckily today several European laws tend to limit these damages by reducing the degree of  allowed decibels.

In the late Middle Ages and maybe also in previous times dwellings would not dare being built on top of the Sun Pyramid, in the position in which this effect on the human body was more concentrated. Those populations preferred building sideways, in the place in which the Medieval citadel can still be seen.

As a conclusion, preliminary results of our research, which will continue during the whole year, show that there is an ultrasound and sound wave emission  on top of the Sun Pyramid and on part of Vratnica Tumulus.

So far we do not know if this phenomenon has a natural origin, due to the effect of the concentration of natural emissions carried out by the pyramidal shape of the structure, or artificial, due to the shape of the hollows below the surface, detected both thanks to probings that have been carried out and thanks to the georadar

In particular the thesis of the artificial origin of emissions is based on the hypothesis that these hollows, built by the makers of these structures, as e.g. in Vratnica Tumulus, are able to trap natural radiations, thus giving them the ability to self-amplify themselves by resonance. But this thesis is yet to be demonstrated.

In any case, regardless of different points of view, this effect must have been probably searched by that civilization as in other megalithic sites, thus conferring a “magical” effect to their celebrations. However they were not at all magic, because they took advantage of natural physical phenomena together with a deep knowledge of the human body’s reaction to these stimulations.

Maybe their structures could appear rough and not refined to the eye of modern men, however they conceal a very sophisticated technology. At the time basic values were different.

At present, besides the already mentioned compander which supplies a qualitative feature of the type of radiation being examined, we are also using highly sensitive microphones (cardioid Sennheiser MKH 800 Twin, frequency response 10Hz – 50.000Hz) which can detect ultrasound waves and professional recorders (Zoom H4N digital recorder, frequency response 10Hz – 42.000Hz  in +- 3dB) which can record ultrasounds without compressing them.

Fig. 6 - The use of more sophisticated instruments enabled us to explore the whole ultrasound spectrum. This is the microphone and the professional digital recorder (picture by R. Hoyle)



Later these recorded sound are transposed of 2-3 octaves by the computer software in order to obtain an audible frequency and be listened to, and also seen thanks to a digital audio spectrum analyzer (NTI Audio XL2).

These different devices guarantee two different kinds of elaborations of what we recorded and enable us to compare the results of the two techniques in order to eliminate possible spurious frequencies caused by the instruments.

With these last equipment we could confirm that ultrasound emission seemed to measure approximately 35.000Hz on average and not around 28.000Hz, as detected by Mizdrak.


Fig. 7 - The use of the audio spectrum analyzer enabled us to circumscribe perfectly the frequency to an average 32.000Hz (from 30KHz to 34Khz)


The results we obtained seem remarkable and can be considered the evolution of studies carried out in the Eighties and Nineties by British researchers on megalith areas in Southern England, yet with more sophisticated equipment thanks to the developments of electronics and computers.

The research is still under way and far from being concluded.

Paolo Debertolis, Sara Acconci – May 30, 2011



1)       P. Debertolis, G. A. Battistoni, V. M. Hocza: “We recorded the "voice" of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (Visoćica Hill)”, SBRG, January 28, 2011

2)       P. Debertolis, G. A. Battistoni, V. M. Hocza:  “Still checking on the "voice" of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”, SBRG, February 25, 2011

3)       N.N. "ENERGETIC RADIATION FROM THE BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS",  Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Fundation, April 23, 2010


It is possible to watch some videos of this research here and here.



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